Bookmarklet OSM <--> Mapillary to rapidly switch between the two
Posted by Romainbou on 4 July 2017 in English. Last updated on 13 July 2017.Hi all, I just adapted an OSM <–> Google Maps bookmarklet made by The_Knife, into OSM <–> Mapillary.
I find the Mapillary integration into iD quite usefull of course, but having everything drawn on the same window makes the whole thing very messy and hard to read. I always ended by opening a new tab for Mapillary navigation, and staying with a clear OSM window to work on.
The bookmarklet just open a new tab at the exact same place and zoom, in the other service, in both ways osm->mapillary and mapillary-osm.
So you just have to create a new bookmark in your favorite browser, and copy-paste the text below as the url field :
javascript:(function(){params=location.href.match(/\d{1,2})\/(-?\d{1,3}.\d+)\/(-?\d{1,3}.\d+)/); if(params!=null){“”+params[2]+”&lng=”+params[3]+”&z=”+params[1]);}else{params=location.href.match(/\/app\/.+lat=(-?\d{1,2}.\d+)&lng=(-?\d{1,2}.\d+)&z=(\d{1,2}.?\d)/); if(params!=null){ z=params[3];“”+Math.round(z)+”/”+params[1]+”/”+params[2]);}else{ alert(“OpenStreetMap - Mapillary impossible”);}}})()*
Here is the wiki page of the bookmarklet : Bookmarklet OSM-Mapillary
PS : the OSM <–> Google Maps bookmarklet can be found here and is extremelly useful. The_Knife also made a one way “->OSM” version of his bookmarklet, that is compatible with more url types :
or zoom=0&lat=0.000&lon=0.000 (can be in an other order and not in a straight string !)
And there is also a huge bookmarklet, MapJumper, that seems to allow switching between OSM and 35 other services, but I didn’t see mapillary in the list!
edit : Philipc enhanced the code today and I updated the text of the code written on this article accordingly.