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Rodrigo Rega's Diary

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[EN] This post is only in spanish, sorry.

Captura pantalla vídeo importación de Catastro

He publicado en mi perfil de Youtube un screencast en el que hago una importación de Catastro a OpenStreetMap. Al leer el procedimiento de importación oficial, parece una tarea complicada. Con este vídeo espero sacar un poco de hierro al asunto y que con ello se anime más gente a importar datos de Catastro de su localidad.

Location: Lugo, Casco Vello, Lugo, Galicia, España

Getting streets and nodes without name tags with Overpass turbo

Posted by Rodrigo Rega on 18 March 2016 in English. Last updated on 20 March 2016.

In my way into get better street tagging in Lugo city, I am using Overpass turbo to find what streets need to be tagged.

In a previous post I talk about getting parking lanes in highways in Overpass turbo, in this post I will show how I use Overpass turbo to get streets and POIs that are in need of some name:* tag.

In the next image we can see in blue what ways are in need of tagging, obtained with Overpass turbo: highways and nodes without name tags

For each way and node, I want to add this tags:

  • name:es=* (Name in spanish)
  • name:gl=* (Name in galician. This should be the same as “name=*”)
  • sorting_name=* (Same as “name=*”, but putting leading articles to the end)

This is the Overpass turbo query for getting streets without all street name tags that I want:


// get ways and nodes with name

// filter out ways with all tags ok
  ._ - 

// filter out nodes with all tags ok
  ._ - 

// print results
out meta;
out meta qt;

Once I get this data, I use the export function in Overpass turbo to load them in JOSM and start the tagging.

Location: Lugo, Casco Vello, Lugo, Galicia, Spain

Getting highways without parking lanes tag with Overpass turbo

Posted by Rodrigo Rega on 14 March 2016 in English. Last updated on 18 March 2016.

I am working in add parking lanes in the highways of Lugo city. For ease the job of locating all the ways that are without the needed tags, I wrote a little Overpass turbo query, after this I load the data it in JOSM to do the tagging.

highways without parking lanes tag

This is the Overpass query:


// filter out ways without right or left parking lanes

// filter out ways with both parking lanes
( ._; - way["highway"]["parking:lane:both"~".*"]({{bbox}}); );

// filter out other type of ways 
( ._; - way[highway="pedestrian"]({{bbox}}); );
( ._; - way[highway="footway"]({{bbox}}); );
( ._; - way[highway="path"]({{bbox}}); );
( ._; - way[highway="steps"]({{bbox}}); );
( ._; - way[highway="crossing"]({{bbox}}); );
( ._; - way[service="parking_aisle"]({{bbox}}); );

// print results
out meta;
out meta qt;
Location: Lugo, Casco Vello, Lugo, Galicia, Spain