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Development Seed Data Team Supporting Humanitarian Actions

Posted by RichRico on 17 September 2018 in English. Last updated on 24 September 2018.

Development Seed data team has been supporting the HOT community for a long time collaborating in many mapping projects in response to disasters, health, transportation.

The main objective on the participation in these disaster projects in these cities is to mitigate and reduce the impacts of natural disasters, thus helping the population to save lives and reduce the victims of events.

In the last months, Development Seed data team have been working in Ebola 2018 campaign, in this campaign 58 projects were created on tasking manager that have been developing since May, the Development Seed data team supported a project in the Congo, other projects where our team helped were in the project of the eruption of a volcano in Guatemala, earthquake in the city of Takatsuki in Japan, and also in floods in the cities of Kurashiki and Sojya - Japan.

More detail about each project and our support in each one can be seen below:

- Ebola virus disease in Democratic Republic of the Congo

### - Project 2018 Ebola #49, Lac Tumba south 2

On 2018 May 8th, the Ministry of Health has announced the 9th Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This task was aims to map the buildings in the villages south of Lac Tumba, in Equateur province.

The purpose of this mapping is to track all buildings that exist in the area to be able to visualize the population that exists in the area, which could be affected by Ebola disease if the spread of the disease is not prevented.

Task Manager for Project 2018 Ebola:


In the image we can see those responsible for mitigating the disease that are in an area affected by the disease, in this image it is shown that they are fumigating a person who died from Ebola disease.

- Volcan de Fuego Eruption, Guatemala

On Sunday June 2nd, Guatemala’s Fuego Volcano erupted violently and with little warning, sending ash nearly four miles into the air, and burying villages under an avalanche like pyroclastic flow of super heated ash and volcanic gasses. For this reasons, the NASA Disasters Program has requested for maps of buildings and critical infrastructure in areas vulnerable to Lahar and Landslide, for estimating the number of structures, as well as population, vulnerable to lahar and landslide. For this request, the tasking manager were enabled and many users helped the buildings mapping.

Each building added on the map helps response and aid organizations prepare for, and minimize, compounding emergencies.

The new mappers’ collaboration was really important to complete the task in short time and the expert mappers’ collaboration was very helpful for validation the task due to the density of characteristics in the area of mapping, for that reason, Development Seed data team as expert mappers helped mostly in the validation.

Task Manager for Volcan de Fuego:

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- Takatsuki City, Osaka Earthquake 2018 JAPAN

On 18 June 2018, around 7:58 a.m. Japan Standard Time, an earthquake measuring 5.5 on the moment magnitude scale struck in northern Osaka Prefecture, Japan. The earthquake’s epicenter was near Takatsuki and occurred at a depth of 13.2 kilometers (8.2 mi).

The shaking from the earthquake was felt strongly in the prefecture and the nearby metropolitan areas of Osaka and Kyoto, temporarily disrupting electrical and gas service to 170,000 homes and buildings. The earthquake struck during rush hour, disrupting train services for several hours, and also damaged water pipes and hundreds of homes. At least four people have been killed and 417 people have reported injuries

In this project all the buildings were mapped to be able to visualize the damages caused by the earthquake, and in this way the firemen, lifeguards can save and evacuate the affected population

Task Manager for the Osaka Earthquake:

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In the images we can see that because of the earthquake the roads were cracked and some houses collapsed.

- Japan Flood 2018 July, Kurashiki and Sojya, Okayama

In late June through mid-July 2018, successive heavy downpours in southwestern Japan resulted in widespread, devastating floods and mudflows. The event is officially referred to as Heisei san-jū-nen shichi-gatsu gōu (平成30年7月豪雨, “Heavy rain of July, Heisei 30”) by the Japan Meteorological Agency. As of 20 July, 225 people were confirmed dead across 15 prefectures with a further 13 people reported missing. More than 8 million people were advised or urged to evacuate across 23 prefectures. It is the deadliest freshwater flood-related disaster in the country since the 1982 Nagasaki flood when 299 people died.

In this project all the buildings were mapped so that in this way to know how many buildings were affected in the area, this allows the aid to reach the areas affected by flooding and so people can be evacuated.

Task Manager for Japan Flood 2018:


In the picture we can see the areas that were flooded and the firemen are in place to help people

All the previous tasks were completed 100% in the mapping and also in the validation.

The Development Seed data team is always on the lookout in the HOT slack chat, to see if there are urgent projects on which we can support. We also make tweets so that more people find out about the project and so they can join the cause and support, as an example this tweet was published in response to the earthquake that occurred in the city of Takatsuki Japan

All these tasks are carried out jointly with other local and non-local communities, as in the case of Development Seed data team, in this way we can support the HOT community in the mapping and validation of disasters no matter where we are.

If you are a beginner and want to contribute, we suggest that you visit the Tasking Manager Tutorial at LearnOSM.

Since May 8, 2018, 21 suspected cases of Ebola (including 17 deaths) have been reported in DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) in Equateur province, in the Bikoro health zone. So far, 2 cases are confirmed. The full extent of the outbreak is still unclear. The doctors are already working in the field.

This OpenStreetMap crisis mapping project is set up to help efficiently respond to the outbreak.

This is how the OpenStreetMap mapping community came to work in order to help with the mapping by creating tasks throughout the area where the disease is spreading, more than 40 tasks were created throughout the area, in these tasks the activities were to map the use of residential land, roads, rivers and buildings, this task is done in two phases, the first face is to locate the populated areas and then add the buildings detected by the satellite images, the satellite images used were Bing and ESRI .

The Developmentseed team came together to help map the area for two weeks, in which approximately 10,000 objects were added.

Below we can see the map where the tasks were created by the community.

User-uploaded image: image.png

In this wiki we can see all the tasks created about the Ebola, and more description about the project.

Version Español

Desde el 8 de mayo de 2018, se han reportado 21 casos sospechosos de ébola (incluyendo 17 muertes) en DRC (República Democrática del Congo) en la provincia de Equateur, en la zona de salud de Bikoro. Hasta ahora, 2 casos están confirmados. El alcance total del brote todavía no está claro. Los doctores ya están trabajando en el terreno.

Este proyecto de mapeo de crisis de OpenStreetMap está configurado para ayudar a responder de manera eficiente al brote.

Es así que la comunidad de mapeadores de OpenStreetMap se a puesto manos a la obra para poder ayudar con el mapeo creando tareas en toda la zona donde la enfermedad se está propagando, se crearon más de 40 tareas en toda la zona, en dichas tareas las actividades fueron de mapear uso de suelos residenciales, carreteras, rios y edificaciones, esta tarea se hace en dos faces, la primera face es ubicar las zonas pobladas para despues agregar los edificios detectados por las imagenes satelitales, las imagenes satelitales usados fueron Bing y ESRI.

El equipo de Developmentseed se unió para ayudar en el mapeo de la zona durante dos semanas, en las cuales se agregaron 10 000 objetos aproximadamente.

Aquí abajo podemos ver el mapa donde fueron creados las tareas por la comunidad.

En este wiki podemos ver todos las tareas creadas acerca del Ebola, y más descripción sobre el proyecto.

Using the Tofix plugin in the Tiger delta task

Posted by RichRico on 1 February 2017 in English. Last updated on 2 February 2017.

Currently, many roads in the US are misaligned and out of date according to the satellite imagery, but also exists a bunch of missing roads that should be added and named according to the information provided by the Delta Tiger layer, which is updated until 2015. There were detected 126,981 errors in the cities of EE.UU, so to handle them we use OpenStreetMap Java editor (JOSM), which has some additional plugins such as tofix to solve errors detected in the tiger delta task.

We should install the JOSM plugin by going to the preferences icon, then to the plugin option icon where we search for tofix and finally, check the box and press OK.


Once tofix plugin is installed, we go to the windows menu to check the box of tofix, then the plugin panel will appear, so we can choose among the various options the tiger delta task, so we have a layer with purple lines that show the errors. As I initially commented, we use the tiger delta 2015 layer that we add by selecting it in the imagery menu. This imagery layer shows yellow lines on the map.


We should fix the street marked by the purple line by adding, naming or aligning the street. We have three options: * In case we fix the error, we click on the fixed button * In case there nothing to fix, we click on the not an error button * And if we are not sure where to fix or not, we can always skip it by clicking on skip button

I all cases, after clicking the button a new issue will be displayed, so we do the same process until hitting all the errors.


Join us to have a better map!

Version Spanish

Uso del plugin To-Fix en la tarea Tiger delta

Actualmente muchos trazos de carreteras en Estados Unidos estan desalineados y desfasados según las imagenes satelitales y así mismo existen carreteras que faltan ser agregados y nombrados de acuerdo a la informacion que nos proporciona la capa del Tiger delta actualizado hasta el año 2015, para esta tarea se hizo las detecciones en la ciudades de EE.UU con un total de 126,981 errores detectados. Para realizar esta tarea utilizamos el editor de Java OpenStreetMap, éste editor cuenta con algunos complementos adicionales como los plugins el cual facilita en la ejecución de la tarea. En este post veremos el funcionamiento de un plugin llamado to-fix para solucionar diariamente los errores detectados en la tarea de tiger delta.

Para esto instalaremos el plugin de JOSM para esto no dirigimos al icono de preferences, a continuacion vamos a la opcion de plugin y buscamos tofix, seleccionamos y seguidamente le damos en OK.


Una vez instalado nos dirijimos al menu windows y marcamos con un chek en la opción tofix, seguidamente elegimos entre las distitas opciones la tarea del tiger delta en el tofix, después tenemos que agregar la capa del tiger delta 2015 el cual se distingue con unas líneas amarillas en el mapa. Así ya tenemos todo esta listo para empezar a solucionar todo los errores detecados.


Las líneas moradas no indican el lugar donde deberemos de dar solucion ya sea trazando, nombrando la calle o alineando. Después de dar solución le damos click en fixed. En caso de no existir un error le damos clic en not an error.


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