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Reino Baptista's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Reino Baptista

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Re-naming the HOT unSummit! Can you help?

HOT - Humanitarian Open Mapping Summit

Património protegido (heritage): lacunas, ambiguidades e soluções para as ultrapassar

Caro hvalentim,

Li com muita atenção esta tua proposta que acho fantástica.

Gostava de propor dois pequenos retoques cosméticos:

A.1 heritage:website:dgpc=<url no - DGPC> heritage:website:arqueologia=< url no - Portal do Arqueólogo>

Da minha experiência no mapeamento de património gosta de salientar a importância de também vir existir um preset (para o JOSM) que acompanhe toda esta doutrina.

Sugiro que a próxima fase seja a elaboração de uma proposta oficial baseada nas “sugestões de procedimento diferenciadas com fundo verde”. Gostaria de ver esta proposta avançar para eu próprio poder retomar os meus contributos que entretanto suspendi. Utilizo frequentemente um preset feito por mim que irei adaptar para realizar testes assim que houver uma concretização da proposta.

Obrigado pelo contributo.

Time to cleanup the wikipedia:xx tags?


Please don’t forget to consider OpenStreetMap Wiki. Someone already did ask this question and left us a good approach in OSM Wiki. I think it addresses all questions. I would like to ask your attention to item 2. on reference.


## Secondary languages

  1. In almost all cases, a single wikipedia tag as described above is sufficient. Data users can access articles in other languages where available using Wikipedia’s interlanguage links. If interlanguage links are missing, this should usually be fixed within wikipedia.

  2. One example where it is appropriate to provide additional explicit links to articles in secondary languages is where the subject is included in an article on a broader subject in the secondary language, for example to wikipedia:en=List of museums in Paris to the English article which provides the best article for the particular museum in France, or wikipedia:fr=Monuments et sites de Paris which is the best article in French for a particular church in London. In another example the structure of subjects in articles cannot be matched 1:1 with interlanguage links (or maybe there are several articles for the same object). In these circumstances use the format wikipedia:lang=page title for the secondary languages.


Votação de tradução highway=unclassified (pt-br)
  1. Via Local ou Estrada Vicinal