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Vector Tiles for iD Editor

Posted by Princi Vershwal on 28 April 2018 in English.

Hello OSM community!!

I’m a final year undergrad at IIT Roorkee, India. I have been accepted to Google Summer of Code 2018. This summers I’ll be working on providing support for vector tiled data for iD editor. Here are more details about the project.

I’ll be posting most of the updates on the project work here. I am looking forward to making it a great learning experience so I would highly appreciate your suggestions.


Location: Manglaur, Roorkee, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, 247656, India


Comment from -karlos- on 29 April 2018 at 07:10

Oh, good. First I assumed, you will provide a vector tile server. But you are going to make an vector tile renderer, 2D and may be 3D, aren’t you?

To create it inside iD is a good start. But it sounds like it also could be used as an alternative to the actual bitmap tile server on the OSM start page some day.

You may consider to use existing code to render 2D tiles and use WebAssembly to get this rendering code running in the browser.

There are a view vector tile sources but I don’t know an server, provided by OSM. As iD needs not only a subset but all OSM data, you may use the same data, iD downloads anyway to edits them, for your renderer. If you update the rendering with edited data, you will get WYSIWYG.

Comment from RobJN on 29 April 2018 at 17:53

Sounds good. I know a few local authorities that provide WFS [1] links to their data. Have wished that the OSM editors could display these so getting MVT vector tiles is a great step forward for ID.

I assume MVT vector tiles are a more logical approach than WFS, so I may have to try and persuade these data providers to switch to MVT tiles.


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