Bogdans Afonins made several improvements to JOSM’s search and to the download dialog:
Search dialog
Search is incredibly powerful in JOSM. It’s possible to add buttons to the toolbar for searches you need over and over again. Some examples:
Select all ways of a roundabout or a closed oneway way, which is in view plus all the nodes of that roundabout that have more than 1 one way connecting to it:
R inview ((junction=roundabout OR closed oneway=yes) OR ways:2- child (junction=roundabout OR closed oneway=yes))
I use this to make them round and distribute the nodes or to conveniently select all the ways of a roundabout after it was split.
Find all routes that are already public_transport:version=2, which have members in view and which were modified:
R "public_transport:version"=2 route=bus inview modified
Download dialog
The wizard works like in Overpass Turbo, but of course the output will be set to meta, so JOSM can digest it.
Some examples:
out meta;
This will download a skeleton of all bus routes in a the selected region. It’s a bit complicated, but sometimes it’s easier to go from complex to simple, by removing what is not needed for your use case.
Another one (now that I’m on a roll):
(.allbusstopnodes - .allhighwaynodes;);
out meta;
This stores all highway=bus_stop nodes in the selected bbox, which don’t have public_transport tags yet in a named container. Then it puts all highway nodes in another. Then it subtracts these, resulting in all highway=bus_stop nodes, which are not part of highway ways.
Comment from Zian Choy on 30 September 2017 at 21:58
When will these improvements be available in JOSM? The latest version (12712) does not include “Download from Overpass API”.
Comment from Polyglot on 30 September 2017 at 22:16
That’s odd. It might be related to having Expert Mode switched on.