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I have just updated some structures( as-builts) around National Capital District in Port Moresby in PNG. After seeing some street having awkward shapes(partially incomplete), I have deleted these and updated with correct tags. Most of the roads did not have correct tags( as most roads in PNG residential and rural areas have 6.0 m width as approved by Department of Works-PNG). I even updated the road surface based on the type of material the roads are built with( mostly asphalt, gravel and dirt/grass). Most Building do have Heights/Levels and using correct level tags, those Buildings not having the correct heights/Levels have been re-edited with correct tags. When also checking on Power transmission Pylons, the average Height is 30.0m, I have re-edited the pylon height again by setting the correct height. The type of landcover( whether grass, forest, concrete asphalt etc.) has also been updated of some streets that I was rechecking/verifying around National Capital District(NCD).

Thanks to the use of, I was able to see the update in 3D after the edits were made 48Hrs later. Please do use correct tags in OSM to improve OSM maps.

Once again, thankyou and happy mapping to you all Mappers.


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