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NGI Zero grant for StreetComplete development

Posted by Mateusz Konieczny on 18 June 2019 in English. Last updated on 7 August 2021.

StreetComplete is an application allowing to contribute to OSM by answering simple question. It makes possible to contribute without learning about tagging schemes and without learning how to handle interface of more general editor like JOSM, iD or Vespucci.

I contributed to StreetComplete in past. Recently I received a grant that will allow me to spend more time on improving it.

Grant is funded by a NLnet as part of NGI Zero grants. StretComplete grant is mentioned by NLnet at and pages. It will allow me to spend far more time on improving StreetComplete.

I will participate in project as usual, sending pull requests that will be reviewed and accepted (or rejected) by StreetComplete author, Tobias Zwick.

Note that I selected topics of work to be done (based mostly on open issues on the bug tracker) and that Tobias who will review pull requests remains completely independent - I am sole beneficiary of the grant.

Total grant was 5000 euro.


Comment from Mateusz Konieczny on 4 July 2019 at 11:58

To explain a bit better what is covered by grant and is not strictly related to StreetComplete like pull requests.

Issues on other repositories reported as part of grant activities:

all other issues on repositories other than StreetComplete were not created as part of a grant, but as a part of usual OSM activity.

Tagging discussions, proposals done as part of the grant:

  • maxweight related discussions on talk-us, slack-us, slack-ca, tagging, OSM Wiki after 18 June 2019
  • maxweight related edits to OSM Wiki after 18 June 2019

all other tagging discussions, proposals were not done as part of a grant, but as a part of usual OSM activity.

Comment from Mateusz Konieczny on 5 July 2019 at 08:48

Also: contributions on Wikimedia Commons (mostly related to max weight and needle-leaved plants).

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