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Mateusz Konieczny

Mapper since:
August 23, 2013
Last map edit:
July 26, 2024

hdyc - heat-map - github - osm-wiki - official forum

I would be happy to meet with OSM mappers visiting Kraków! PM me.

Chętnie spotkam się z innymi mapującymi! Wyślij mi prywatną wiadomość. is my personal website is my bot account is my account used for supporting people translating names during Ukraine refugee crisis after invasion by Russiałapa%20ciemności/ is my account used for logging in on computers with low security (so far I have full control over this account) - is my account for paid editing (it is rather “this wrong OSM data breaks software that I am paid to maintain/create and I am paid also for time spend on such fixes”, not “paid to map driveways and place random access=private without justification”)