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Lejun's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Lejun

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[WIP] Méthaniseurs

J’‘ai bien vu que c’est un WIP, mais ça m’étonne que la réflexion ne démarre pas de la clé generator:method=anaerobic_digestion.

The OSM Iceberg

AFAIK there’re not 3 but 4. I wrote up some notes about them in french.


Idem, y a la carte parisienne de Joachimesque.


C’est pas aussi chiadé, mais t’avais connaissance du code de TafLeVélo ?

Do people map single tennis courts?

Lacked instructions for reproducibility but interesting nonetheless! I made my own version with a somehow streamlined R code.

tl;dr: Similar results in the french Doubs’ county. Approximately 130 single courts (~ 160 m² as per standard dimensions), 260 ”double courts” (~ 2,5 the standard court dimensions) for a total of 674 items.

JOSM : Conflation

Je ne sais pas si c’est une limite de Conflation (je n’ai pas creusé) mais le rapprochement ne se fait pas si le parking existant dans OSM est une ligne ou une surface. J’ai rencontré ce cas de temps à autre.

C’est étrange, sur Strasbourg j’ai eu aucun soucis avec du linéaire ou du surfacique. Je pense que l’erreur doit pas venir de Conflation.

JOSM : Conflation

De rien ! Au final c’est pas tant un tutoriel qu’un mémo pour la prochaine fois où j’aurai à bricoler la chose. Si des ateliers sont organisés je passe volontier faire un tour.

Pour ce qui est d’osmose j’avoue ne pas trop comprendre non plus. Le fichier semble avoir été intégré sur Github mais sur l’outil on voit toujours que Bordeaux, Paris, et Madrid. Faut que j’aille en discuter avec eux voir ce qui s’en dit.

Pour avoir les données Osmoses tu peux effectivement faire un export – c’est proposé dans la barre supérieure – que tu ouvriras dans l’éditeur de ton choix (je recommande OsmAnd pour la navigation, ou Vespucci si t’as besoin d’éditer sur place). Pas – encore – de guide à ma connaissance, mais si je le fais (une fois que la météo se réchauffe) alors j’en ferai également un petit guide.

Cómo mapear zonas de estacionamiento en la calle

(Excuse my english, I’m not fluent enough in spanish for that matter)

That’s a pretty good exlpanation you did there. If interested, I have shared my method to map parking_spaces with JOSM. I’d be interested to know how you do it.

House addresses

Ha, been there, done that. The only complain I’d have with this plugin is the lack of custom fields. I used it to map camping ground with pitch sites and while those are numbered, one can’t use addr but ref (I still made it possible by marking with a stupid tag before using the find tool for a mass edit of the addr key).

House addresses

Hey thanks for the preset. But have you looked into the HouseNumberTaggingTool?

MapComplete for dog owners

Haven’t looked much into the whole MapComplete theming, but you definitely could add dog_toilets.

Extremely detailed mapping of shopping center

@o_andras One way to do it is to use JOSM with the PicLayer plugin.

Should I get rid of foot=yes on roads you shouldn't walk on?

You could delete it in my opinion. You may check tags history as well, I guess it must be some kind of tags forgotten after the mapping of sidewalks

Journey searching for a facade survey app

@SimonPoole: Well, guess it’s time for me to try and get on the Vespucci bandwagon once more

Journey searching for a facade survey app

@orthocircular: GeoMapper doesn’t seem opensource which is important to me. Is OpenMapKit still maintained? Moreover its documentation looks kinda complex for my use.

Journey searching for a facade survey app

@GOwin: You’re right I should have emphasised the fork aspect of Organic Maps, I’ll correct that. Regarding the team behind it the Readme state that it was “developed with love by MapsWithMe (MapsMe) founders and our community”

GeoNotes looks really interesting, I’ll go check it !

@SimonPoole: Absolutely. I’m on a 2013 Sony XperiaM C1904 running LineageOS 14.1 (Android 7.1.2) last updated on 2018.

@jambamkin: Until now I never distinguished OSMGo! from Go Map!! and didn’t look at it. You’re right, it is interesting but lacks an Export feature that would allow me to further process surveyal data before uploading.

Parking_space micromapping JOSM method overview

As far as I know while disaster mapping for HOT, buildings are quite easy to mass relocate as long as nodes aren’t shared between elements. In this case, parking spaces doesn’t have to be linked to anything else, if not the parking polygon itself in certain configurations.

One would simply have to be careful of that matter and simply duplicate and separate shared nodes (Unglue function under JOSM, shortcut G) before moving.

Parking_space micromapping JOSM method overview

@jidanni Ha, don’t worry about that. I’m not crazy enough to do that kind of mapping through GPS data (although I assume that would be fine using RTK devices).

I wouldn’t worry too much about aerial image offset either. In France we have access to building footprints through the Cadastre, using it as a baselayer it’s easy enough to verify the (absence of) image offset. In case someday we discover there is indeed some kind of offset, I assume it would be quite easy to simply move all the parking spaces elements.

Parking_space micromapping JOSM method overview

@m-ezd That’s nice to know! In my case I find it easier not to tinker too much with these settings especially as I also use it for it’s main purpose that is mapping buildings. It would be useful for anyone starting a mapping session in heavy parking areas.

Parking_space micromapping JOSM method overview
  1. The Gridify plugin apply the tags of the “overall shape” to the splitted elements. So it’s a generally a breeze to tag. The buildingTools plugin simply create elements with building=yes, I delete it while still in “overall shape” and add the parking_space related tags before splitting.

  2. Ha, thanks for the tip! That’s what I thought but the preview somehow didn’t showed the pictures so I just let it has it is thinking the problem was coming from somewhere else (Some pics where freshly uploaded, that may have been the issue here).