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Laura Mugeha's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Laura Mugeha

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My progress on Mapping.

Congratulations! I would recommend keeping tabs on when registration re-opens for the YouthMappers Academy Track 2: Advanced Mapping with YouthMappers

You can also check out the following open resources: *Learn about JOSM on LearnOSM *Missing Maps resources on validation:

Incase you prefer videos, you can find: * JOSM & Validation webinar recordings by YouthMappers *More videos by HOTOSM

This is how it all started...

Proud of you, Letwin! You have done so well with the YouthMappers chapter and OSM Community in #Zim! I can’t wait to see more next year :-)

Crowd2Map Success in 2018 - mapathon at the UN, award at SOTM, donation at FOSS4G and kick off of WomenConnect

Your impactful work deserves this, to more success this year.

weeklyOSM 433

These are blogs that had been worked on but could not be posted.