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Klumbumbus's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Klumbumbus

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OSM Hausnummerauswertung und Straßenlistenauswertung wieder aktiv

Super. Danke für diesen Service!

Market shares of editors

So, do you plan to replace the graphs on with yours?

Analysis of usage of similar tags over time

Great blog post and great tool :)

Efficiently adding direction=* to highway=give_way/stop

You can display the direction arrows for all ways in the josm settings -> display settings -> osm data -> draw direction arrows.

Regarding JOSM support of waydirection depending nodes, see e.g. or

Keeping OSM up to date with OSMfocus

I collected some improvement suggestions which were mentioned here at the osm wiki talk page

Keeping OSM up to date with OSMfocus

New osm wiki page is here:

@MichaelVL: Can you upload the icon and a screenshot to commons, which can be used in the wiki?

Keeping OSM up to date with OSMfocus

I noticed that addr:postcode and addr:country are not displayed. Is this by design? Are there more key which are not displayed?

OK, I just read the description in the play store. Can we use the description text in the play store to create a osm wiki page?

Keeping OSM up to date with OSMfocus

I noticed that addr:postcode and addr:country are not displayed. Is this by design? Are there more key which are not displayed?

Keeping OSM up to date with OSMfocus

Great App. Thanks.

Weekly OpenStreetMap Task

“electric charging stations”. This is what we can call points of interest for all the people and not just for a limited category of users :-) lol

A goal of the german government is that there are one million electric vehicles on german streets in 2020. So electric charging stations will become more important.