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City of Edmonton Open data primer

Posted by KevinOs on 10 October 2022 in English.

City of Edmonton has an excellent data set to assist with entry into JOSM. navigate to to locate data sets.

example: Street lighting

This is a giant data set, but data can be exported for use directly to CSV, XML, etc.. or you can further make use of the API to select a subset by clicking on the view source data:

rxke-mcvd : verify the right data set endpoint location radius (in m?)$where=within_circle(geometry_point, 53.595, -113.479, 1000)

adjusting the circle to a suitable radius and location in the city to start working with the data, consult the API for more details on points vs geometry.

Once downloaded as geojson, import to JOSM to help with your edits.

Location: Downtown, Central Core, Edmonton, Division No. 11, Alberta, T5J 1Z3, Canada