
HOT Board membership application

Posted by Katja Ulbert on 24 April 2016 in English.

My motivation to apply for a board membership of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team is based on my firm belief that our work, be it disaster mapping, community development or technical innovation can truly make a difference.

Since I joined HOT, I have been an active member of the Fundraising, Communication and recently HOT Summit Working Groups, helped with the development of a new website design and participated in my first two fieldmapping missions. These activities gave me the chance to work closely with other committed community members and to gain insight in various aspects of HOTs work. For me the true strength of HOT lies in the community itself, which allows people with all kind of skillsets and interests to participate and get active. This is a crucial resource that has to be fostered and supported.

As a HOT board member my work will be focussed on the following aspects: strengthen the community life within HOT, initiating a positive dynamic, respectful communication and transfer of knowledge and skills; outreach, support and solidarity with local mapping communities; push our professionalization to gain more independency.

It is my wish to see HOT grow and prosper and my work as a HOT board member will be dedicated to this cause.


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