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Kateregga1's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Kateregga1

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The State of OpenStreetMap in Africa 2023

Thank you too Antidius for contributing to the survey!

The Virtual World of OSM: Breaking Barriers with FOSS4G 2022 and unSummit HOT Travel Grant!!!

Great write up Victor, it was indeed nice to finally meet in person. Keep up the good work with Unique Mappers Team, weldone with SotM Nigeria!

What’s in a name? What should HOT’s new regional hubs be called...

Copying here the discussion on this topic from the OSM Africa WhatsApp Group

Poncelet: The Open Data Hub is cool

Erica: No need to name HOT in the title. Otherwise, any is good. Once you name HOT you lose a chance for community ownership and sustainability.

Willy: Open GeoData Hub (it’s more of a Hub than a Lab to me…) Open GeoLab also if Lab is necessary 🥰

Trudy: HOT Open Data Hub, Open Geodata Hub

Rory: Because I work for the government it means I love making things into acronyms. How about MAGICs —> Mapping And Geospatial Innovation Center

And because mapping features on OSM is a bit like magic 🪄

Michael: Wonder if these centres will be dedicated only to the HOT community or not. If not, I would skip HOT in the name and they would ideally accept fundings from other NGOs for other projects.

I think it needs full ownership of local communities in such centres. It may be a way to ease partnering with them all

Laura: +1 for Open Geodata Hub / Open GeoHub On hub vs lab: hub sounds more representative & collaborative i.e community of communities

Localizing Community Support through regional hubs

Thank you, everyone, for the feedback.

@DeBigC Thank you for the support. I am also in touch with two folks from the Sudan Community, the missing place names is a good place to start, will talk to them about it. Where can we get out of copyright place names data?

@mapmeld great to hear you are in touch with the OSM Somalia team to translate OSM for Somali. Localization through translation is very necessary to make sure map data is used by anyone and encourage local contributions. Will definitely be in touch on this.

@Glassman looking forward to chatting more about this in the LCCWG meetings.


The Search for a Solution

Hi Amna, thank you so much for sharing your experience in the field with us in Uganda.

@rorym I think the sign from Allan in the photo is the V peace sign. I don’t see it as abrasive!

Inclusivity at State of Map 2018

Thanks for the blog @Arnalie, by the fact that the conference was in Europe, majority of the participants were expected to be from nearby countries, I am sure it will be the same case when the conference comes to Africa, 56 countries is a very good indicator of inclusivity at the conference.

I learnt a lot about city mobility from interacting with you in Milan, and I am more mindful of that for my city now - advocating for things like pedestrian sidewalks and cycle routes. Mapping what we have now and showing gaps to the city authorities is a way how OpenStreetMap can be used to make a change in my society. Its interactions like these that makes State of the Map a wonderful gathering.


Visit to Mbale university

Great post Faridah, thanks for sharing!

OSM Seminar in the heart of Africa

Hello Jotam

Great to hear about your work in Uganda, we have also been doing OSM training in the past with other universities in Kampala and Eastern Uganda but had never been to Ndejje University.
