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Hello, my name is Julmira de Almeida. I'm one of the Open Mapping Guru Fellows in 2024. First of all, I am deeply grateful to Open Mapping Hub Asia-Pacific for offering me this brilliant opportunity to participate in the Open Mapping Guru Fellowship. This is my first time participating in an international fellowship activity while pursuing my studies at the University. As a young woman who is highly passionate about mapping activities, participating in this fellowship is extremely significant. I have many opportunities to learn and further explore the various open-source platforms we can use in mapping activities.

Alt text This figure illustrates the process of capturing street-level imagery using Mapillary.

How I Get involved with Open-Mapping

My initial involvement in mapping activities began with data contributions using open-source platforms like OpenStreetMap (OSM) and the Tasking Manager. I collaborated with the openstreetmap Timor-Leste on projects focused on disaster response and malnutrition. These experiences were incredibly rewarding and paved the way for me to participate in the Open Mapping Guru Fellowship 2024. This fellowship offers a fantastic opportunity for me to further develop my mapping skills and expand my experience in the field. Participating in the OMGuruFellowship is incredibly exciting for me because it allows me to learn and gain in-depth experience alongside individuals who share my passion for developing mapping activities using open data. Through collaboration with the global community, I have access to advanced tools and receive training from experts across various fields. This fellowship offers the opportunity to experience innovation and cutting-edge technology, enhancing my personal and professional abilities in mapping activities. Additionally, working with peers from different countries in Southeast Asia through this open mapping fellowship will broaden my perspective and skills even further.

Interesting/ fascinating about being the Guru Fellowship

The most fascinating aspect of being part of the Guru Fellowship is the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse group of passionate individuals who are dedicated to leveraging technology for social good. The fellowship provides a platform to explore innovative solutions in the realm of open mapping, allowing us to address real-world problems and make a tangible impact on communities globally. The blend of cutting-edge technology and humanitarian efforts is incredibly inspiring and motivating.

Experience of being a Guru

Being a Guru has been an enriching and transformative experience. It has challenged me to think critically and creatively, pushing the boundaries of what is possible with open data and mapping technologies. The fellowship has also been a significant learning journey, where I have gained new skills, built meaningful connections, and contributed to projects that have a lasting impact. It has been a unique blend of professional growth and personal fulfillment. Being an OMGuru under the Mapping fellowship, it’s not only gained new skills of mapping, but I also can discover new tools for mapping and help me to prepare myself and to continue sharing it with my community and all youth worldwide especially my beloved country Timor-Leste.

Biggest Lesson or Achievement as a Result of the Fellowship

One of the biggest lessons I have learned through the fellowship is the power of collaboration and community. Working with a diverse team of fellows has taught me the importance of different perspectives and how collective effort can drive significant change. My most significant achievement has been leading a project that improved disaster response times by developing an open-source mapping tool that enables quicker and more accurate data collection in crisis-affected areas. This project not only showcased the practical application of open-mapping but also reinforced my belief in the potential of technology to make a positive impact on society. Another achievement that I have gained from this fellowship is, I can contribute to map and add over a hundred amenities in my home country Timor-Leste, and update all objects around my home city. It was a wonderful experience I have had and contributed to my country.

Location: Borohun, Dili, Vera Cruz, Dili, East Timor


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