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Cycle-mapping in West Lothian

Posted by Hobgoblin on 21 April 2014 in English.

The sun eventually came out this afternoon, so I decided to cycle to Armadale and add a few new streets to the map. I had a printout of the ISO OSM Analysis map which showed seven streets that were on the Ordnance Survey’s map but not on OSM. There was a strong cool breeze blowing from the East which gave me a nice easy ride from Livingston.
I arrived at the railway station in Armadale which had not been mapped completely, and since it was practically deserted, I spent a few minutes cycling along every aisle in the car park to get a record on my GPS. Then on to the new housing estate nearby. I managed to find all seven streets to match the missing ones but I think I may have to return once the builders have finished as there are some more new streets still under construction and not enough signs to tell you which street is which. The cycle back home was a struggle since I was now heading into the wind, However, I had gathered a lot of useful data which should help to move West Lothian up from 98.59% completeness figure.

Location: Armadale, West Lothian, Scotland, EH48 3QB, United Kingdom


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