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Visitor to Broomfield Confirmed

Posted by GeoDave5280 on 1 April 2011 in English.

After adding bridges and riverbanks to the Colorado River, I flew back to Denver and noticed what appears to be and extraterrestrial visitor in the Bing imagery between Tape Drive and Disk Drive in Broomfield. This morning, I see the OSM map has confirmed his presence.

Look now; I'm sure he'll be gone by this evening (Colorado time). Try viewing in Potlatch 2 with imagery and zoom 18 or 19.


Location: 39,945, -105,130


Comment from artus70 on 1 April 2011 at 15:30

Indeed, how amazing! What a pity that he/it assumedly has to leave after April 1st ...

Comment from puetti on 1 April 2011 at 18:19

Wow, quite amazing. However he's also available on google and yahoo.

Comment from GeoDave5280 on 1 April 2011 at 23:52

I see him in Yahoo. The Google imagery shows dirt piles and other debris over part of ET. Smells like a coverup to me!

Comment from GeoDave5280 on 2 April 2011 at 02:09

I guess he must have phoned home and left. I see Sundance has started to make cycle paths from the impression left behind.

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