

Posted by Freebourg on 24 August 2008 in English. Last updated on 25 August 2008.

Ubuntu Linux ; the usual tools 'gpsd', 'gpxlogger', 'gpsbabel' do the thing very well. For mapping, I'm using JOSM (retrieving, building and using the svn version every time I use it), the appropriate photo plugin, and GPicSync for the "normal" photographs. While geocaching on foot or by bicycle, I try to make the battery duration longer by doing some tricks [] and almost killing every unnecessary program running and shutting down all wireless devices (Wifi (unload the kernel module, turn it off via the BIOS (?) option by sending 0 to the wireless led 'dev' file ('acerhk' module), Bluetooth). Then, I stop gdm (killing X), open tty1, sudo gpsd..., open tty2 gpxlogger, and go! Sometimes, for fun, I do some wardriving/warcycling/warcycling, and instead of gpxlogger I use kismet that give me logs in several formats, ready to be used. Afterwards I create a Google Earth KML from the Kismet XML to see the networks, and export the GPX (what a great and simple format!) to my "big monitor computer" ;-)


Comment from The New Andy on 25 August 2008 at 13:03

You might enjoy finding a nokia n810. They run a debian derived distro and have a gps and wifi. The wifi driver is ok (you can put it into monitor mode, but you can't inject packets) and the gps is also ok (previously had incredibly long lock times, now has so-so lock times).

But the battery life is excellent (my one has an estimated time remaining of 7 hours in use or 10 days of idling) and there are very hackable.

Comment from Freebourg on 25 August 2008 at 22:16

Thank you for the good advice, but I can't afford it.
I'm actually an high school student, and saving money to pay my driver's license.

Comment from The New Andy on 27 August 2008 at 09:39

and then as soon as you get a job and have enough to buy one, you won't have the time :)

Life is funny like that sometimes.

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