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What's up with #osmIRL_buildings #3

Posted by DeBigC on 4 January 2025 in English.

As time passes I am delving further into the discovery that I outlined here, and contextualised a little more here and all relating to the Fingal task set up by myself and the osm community three years ago.

In quantum of the problem there are new data available from the Heigit counting service. This shows that as the validation continued up to the 18th December 2024 when the task was a year old an additional 14 thousand missing buildings were added.


Looking further into this missing building set it is distributed as follows by building tags:

*building=shed up 3700

*building=garage up 1800

*building=farm_auxiliary up 200

*building=service up 58

*building=ruins up 56

There is also some re-tagging of building objects from the building=yes tag, which mappers were requested to attempt to do.

All the above missing building objects have been added over the validation period to date. There is quite a considerable amount of tiles now evaluated, which have uncovered these missing buildings. Equally there is a fair bit to do to finish the mapping(19), complete the tiles to the required level of completeness(158) and validation of tiles ready to that point(49). Please help if you can, and you know how to map buildings.


What I haven’t addressed if the potential number of missing buildings which cannot be inspected via the task manager because of poor validation effort, or misunderstandings of the instruction to “map all buildings”. In truth I still don’t know the extent of that, but I do know it is sizeable and will try to measure and estimate it given observed suburban, rural and town norms now available in the reliably validated area of the task.


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