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Work done so far... (part 2)

You’re welcome! I’m glad that my little contribution to OSM was helpful for you! :)

I’ve decided to map the Hvar island simply because my origins are from there, and I frequently visit it since we have a house there. As for the rest of Croatia, there is a small group of mappers here (which I mentioned in my last summary) which contribute frequently and the most to OSM map of Croatia, and they make OSM in Croatia go forward. One of them even runs the OSM Croatia website.

After OSM introduced the Notes function, I noticed several new Notes indicating a specific apartment in their area. These users probably didn’t want to mess with adding nodes to the map, but their Note can then be later added to the map as a node.

Unfortunately, OSM is not so widely known in Croatia (Google Maps is unfortunately better known), but there are some websites in Croatia that use OSM for their map displays, and I hope that the number of such websites will increase in the future. I hope that the same will happen with apps for booking apartments in Croatia. :)



Work done so far... (part 2)

Thank you! I will continue contributing to OSM because I like doing that. OSM is really great, and it is very useful at the same time (e.g. HOT and its tasks).

OpenMapSurfer and the city of Split

Yes, it really does. Thanks for the tip! :)

OpenMapSurfer and the city of Split

Huh? I didn’t know that it displays a map with 3D buildings, I was referring to the way it displays POIs. 3D buildings are not available in my city and so I couldn’t see it, but I can see it now on the example of Trieste. Thanks for enlightening me!

On the Info page it says that the update interval is 2 hours, but I’m not sure about that, for it took him a couple of days to display the POIs I’ve made in my city.

Doesn't it look great?

Well, if you zoom in, you’ll notice two numbers on the bicycle routes (3 and 4). :-) And there are 14 bus routes so far. ;-)

Hello world! :) - work done so far...

Actually, there’s still work to be done in putting Croatia to OSM completely, especially now with the new coverages of Bing across Croatia. What we were really doing is remapping all data so that there isn’t any CC-BY-SA data left (except for that 1 node), only ODBL. 6-7 of us were involved in this, and it’s incredible that we did it in less than 1 month. :) Good luck with your city! :)

Hello world! :) - work done so far...

Thank you, SDavies! I will keep on doing it that way, there’s still lot of work to be done. :)