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Revival of Openptmap

Posted by Candid Dauth on 1 June 2024 in English.

I really missed Openptmap ever since the service stopped working a few years ago. It was an important feature of FacilMap that I had used frequently in my daily life. This is why I have decided to invest in a bigger server to be able to render and host the tiles myself.

I have set up a tile server with the original Openptmap styles on You can browse the tiles through FacilMap.

For now, tiles are generated when first requested, so rendering the map will be very slow when a region is first accessed. Also, there are no automatic updates of the map yet, so for now the state of the map will be frozen in time. When I find the time, I want to bring the setup up to date to enable automatic updates. If you have the skills and want to contribute, what would be needed would be to rewrite the filter and style into an osm2pgsql flex output Lua script.

If you find this service useful, a financial contribution would be greatly appreciated.


Comment from Hartmut Holzgraefe on 9 June 2024 at 11:04

I have provided the original OpenPTMap style as an overlay style for printable maps on for quite a while now, and would LOVE to see it brought back to a more general live.

Comment from Candid Dauth on 10 June 2024 at 08:40

Hey Hartmut, MyOSMatic looks like a quite useful tool, and I would love to integrate it into FacilMap one day to make maps exportable there.

Could you point me to where the Openptmap style is defined in the MyOSMatic source code? Does MyOSMatic use the original osmfilter file, or did you replicate the original Openptmap style in another format?

Comment from IsStatenIsland on 15 June 2024 at 21:58

What tags or relation are causing this specific line from East Stroudsburg to Scranton to be considered public transport? Maybe I woke up in 1970.

There are a few other examples in the Philadelphia area so I can fix them if you can point out if anything is wrong.

I’m guessing it’s excursion routes. You should have them differentiated from other public transport routes.

Comment from Candid Dauth on 15 June 2024 at 23:29

It seems like anything with the tags route='train' or route='railway' or line='rail' is rendered as a train line.

Looking at the docs, route='railway' should probably not be marked as a train line. It seems that the Openptmap styles have a strong focus on Germany.

Looking at the way you linked, it does seem to be part of one route='train' relation (Steamtown Excursions). I would argue that rendering it as a train line is not wrong according to the tags. If you find a tag that would distinguish such occasional services from regular ones, I can think of trying to adjust the style.

Comment from Candid Dauth on 16 June 2024 at 11:27

I’m thinking that it might be an option to tag the steam train line with service=tourism and exclude lines with such tags from the render style.

I have created issues #1 and #2 for this.

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