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BlueTiger's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by BlueTiger

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GSoC'15 Project update

Nice work sbagroy986!

It is just about the time we have this feature for the User Diary & the OSM Help Forum. Hope you guys would have thought something about ‘malicious reports’ as well :)

Experimented on Mapping By Photo-geotagging

If you have corresponding GPX tracks, you may be able to get the coordinates of the places from where you have taken the photos using JOSM.

Open the gpx track in JOSM, right click on the gpx track in the layers, select import images.Once you select the images, follow the on-screen instructions and JOSM will mark the locations of the photos.

New version of Quality Assurance Tools script (v0.6)

Thank you. My mistake, I didn’t read the instructions properly.

New version of Quality Assurance Tools script (v0.6)

This is great! Thank you. The Favourites tool is pretty handy.

While using the new version of the script for the first time, a messaged popped up saying it requires ‘jts’ plug-in. Installed the jts plug-in and script started working again. I don’t remember installing jts plug-in for the previous version. Couldn’t find any reference to the jts plug-in in the QAT script Wiki page either.

The Missing Mappers Problem?

@dalek2point3, interesting information.

Some information about my contribution pattern:

  • I joined OSM sometime in August 2012 and started editing my neighbourhood. Places near my home were mapped pretty quickly and then came a lull period as most of the places I frequent were already mapped.

  • At times when I have nothing else to do, I do some armchair mapping. Mostly tracing roads using Bing Sat images.

  • Most of the times when I travel I will leave the OSMTracker running and update new POIs. At times I have skipped uploading POIs as they don’t have proper tags in OSM. Unfortunately I have taken a bad choice here, I should have updated them anyway and requested for new tags.

Why I contribute to OSM? : I am a big fan of Open Source Software and Open Data. I am impressed by the range of data OSM can capture about a POI, which can be used in many useful ways.

How did I join and ended up contributing to OSM? : I wanted an off-line map/navigation software for my Android phone and the application which I used first happened to use data from OSM. Once I saw that I could contribute to the OSM, I was hooked.

Will I continue to contribute to OSM? : Looks like I will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

I think it would be a good idea to initiate a survey among OSM users once you get some basic information from here.

What to do this weekend?

Thanks for the write up. I used to use keepright site earlier. At one point of time the “Edit in JOSM” option stopped working and I switched to QAT Script ( and started using Keep Right from the QA Tools :) I never knew about exporting the data as GPX from keep right. Did a quick check and seems to be useful.

1000 Edits

Thank you @malenki & @chtfn

Looking for help tracing buildings in Galway City - aka Beginners Guide to MapCraft

Thanks for the nice write up DaCor. I have updated few slices. – BT