
End of the Line

Posted by AshKyd on 26 December 2008 in English.

I was in the area so I took the car around the Ferny Grove/Keperra area and took some data. I had the GPS, my laptop and my phone for annotations, so I've managed to correct a fair bit of data to the south of Ferny Grove and the north of Keperra where it was skewed slightly from the satellite traces.

I've been trialling the audio annotation feature of JOSM to get street names as I'm mapping them, and I really wish I knew about it when I was tracing on Christmas Eve. I've only taken street names, bus stops, and visible points of interest today, although I'm not going to add the bus stops to the map as I'm not entirely sure how, and my audio data is slightly out of sync anyway. I figure I'll leave it to someone with more accurate data. :)

Location: 4055, Ferny Hills, Greater Brisbane, City of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia


Comment from awesm on 26 December 2008 at 02:10

If the bus stop points are accurate (or close enough), just put highway=bus_stop for the time being. That would be a great help. Someone can come along later and add metadata, but having that point will make their task easier (they won't even need the GPS) :~)

Everyone has their own scheme, BTW, for public transport metadata, so look around the wiki and cherrypick the tag keys you like. :~)

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