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Note Viewer update

Posted by Anton Khorev on 30 March 2022 in English.

I’ve fixed some of the limitations of my note viewer that were discussed at the end of this diary post.

  1. Now you can use this tool as a more general interface to /api/0.6/notes/search OSM API requests. Providing a username is no longer required, and it’s possible to do comment text searches and limit the results to date ranges.
  2. Search queries are encoded in URLs. That opens some additional possibilities.
  3. Earlier you could accidentally load too much data that would slow down your browser too much. There weren’t an obvious way out of this situation because the tool always tried to restore the results of the last request. Now it shouldn’t be a problem - just open the page without the query in the URL (without everything after #). Or press the (x) button on the top.
  4. You can open several different requests in different windows at the same time. There’s still one problem left: opening the same request in different windows is not guaranteed to work.
  5. Since queries are stored in URLs you can share links to them. Also you can generate links without typing stuff into the search form. For example, you can use OSM Smart Menu browser plugin to switch to user’s notes as shown by this tool from any webpage that the plugin associates with the user. You need to add this URL template in OSM Smart Menu settings:{osm_user_name}


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