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Mapping of Kaduna Nigeria

Posted by Anna_AG on 18 August 2009 in English.

Noticed last week that Kaduna, a town I used to visit frequently while I was a VSO 2003-5 is now in High Res imagery, one of the few Nigerian towns that is

So this last week at work has been rather quiet and guess what i have been doing?

Marking the roads up on Potlatch, then tidying up references and nodes on Josm
which works well for me. I have so say I have nearly reached my limits of endurance and hoping a couple of other Nigeria fans will step up to the mark and help me out. I can only remember one street name, maybe guess at a couple of others.

Location: Unguwar Sarki, Kaduna North, Kaduna State, Nigeria


Comment from bass on 18 August 2009 at 21:41

I spent some time tracing the riverbank of the Kaduna River around Kaduna.
Hope you like it!

Comment from Unusual User Name on 21 August 2009 at 09:59

I tidied up your trainline and then extended it south, but I'm not so sure the extension was legit - it certainly went some way, and then seemed to disappear, with just an easement, but no tracks. A bit hard to be sure with the level of imagery. Perhaps you can remember from your time there.

Comment from Unusual User Name on 21 August 2009 at 10:03

I've noticed you've got a whack of roads in the centre all coded as tertiary. I don't want to step on your toes, but this just appears as a thick yellow mess at farther out zoom levels. I'll clean them up unless you object.

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