

Comment from IgnoredAmbience on 27 September 2009 at 22:39

This is not possible.

The server does not store versions of nodes, ways and relations when they're added to a relation.

To get the full version of a historic relation, you need to compare timestamps of the historic versions of its members.

The server will not support this in the near future, due to the expense of this calculation.

Comment from wieland on 28 September 2009 at 06:08

Ok. A full version with correct versions of ways and nodes would be expensiv with this datamodel. I could live with the last version of the ways and nodes.

E.g. I want to see the last version of a relation. This works:

When I try to see an old version:
I get an error:
is not supported.

Somebody changed the relation between version 60 and 81. It's hard to find out who did it and when. Don't mistake me, the change is good. I don't want to blame him but thank him.

My idea was to download the old version, save it and load the file with JOSM. Than download all the way and node while working with the relation. But this allways loads all ways of the current version.

Do I have to write a program for that?

Comment from wieland on 28 September 2009 at 07:03

This is my quick solution:
use strict;

use LWP::Simple;

my $rel = get "$ARGV[0]/$ARGV[1]";
my $insert;
my %nd;

while ($rel =~ m/\s*(.*)<\/osm>\s*$/\1/sm;
$insert .= $element;
$nd{$id} = 1 if $type eq "node";
$rel =~ s/(\n*)/\1$insert/sm;
$insert = "";
while ($rel =~ m/\s*(.*)<\/osm>\s*$/\1/sm;
$insert .= $element;
$nd{$id} = 1;
$rel =~ s/(\n*)/\1$insert/sm;
print $rel;

Comment from wieland on 28 September 2009 at 16:00

Only a test to insert code into the blog:





end of test

Comment from wieland on 28 September 2009 at 16:04

another test:

and not lf but br

Comment from wieland on 28 September 2009 at 16:06

The same code, but nices formatted:

use strict;

use LWP::Simple;

my $rel = get "$ARGV[0]/$ARGV[1]";
my $insert;
my %nd;

while ($rel =~ m/ my ($type, $id) = ($1, $2);
my $element = get "$type/$id";
$element =~ s/^\s*(.*)<\/osm>\s*$/\1/sm;
$insert .= $element;
$nd{$id} = 1 if $type eq "node";
$rel =~ s/(\n*)/\1$insert/sm;
$insert = "";
while ($rel =~ m/ my ($id) = ($1);
next if $nd{$id};
my $element = get "$id";
$element =~ s/^\s*(.*)<\/osm>\s*$/\1/sm;
$insert .= $element;
$nd{$id} = 1;
$rel =~ s/(\n*)/\1$insert/sm;
print $rel;

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