
The month of June,2017,became a busy month for me with the planning and prepartion to launch a new chapter of youthmappers in Nigeria,the UniqueMappersTeam(UMT)Port harcourt,Nigeria domicilled in University of Port harcourt,where,I work as a Principal GIS-Cartographer in the department of Geography and Environmental Management. I started with raising a team of students I intend mentoring in my field of geoinformatics,assisting to secure internship for their 6 months industrial training and spending the first and second week of june to give them leadership training to work as a team,getting them sign-up for OSM and teaching them to map with OSM and then using peer-learning to get them prepare their own training manuals. On 12th June,2017,I created a whatsapp chat group where I made some of them administrator and we were able to have 40 members who join the chat group by the same week ending 17th June.These chat group members were made up of undergraduate students,post graduate students, and some departmental staff to observe the on going development.I linked up a survey form to campaign for volunteers and amazing was the response. We proceeded to upload our training manuals on how to use OSM to map,linked them to and guide them through the essence of the chat group.We uploaded our leaders training session pictures to motivate them and then prepared them for our upcoming mapathon and inaugural the following week.

Location: Alakahia, Obio/Akpor, Rivers State, 500004, Nigeria


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