

Comment from giggls on 9 April 2014 at 08:03

You are free to believe in whatever you want., even a Flying Spaghetti Monster.

But this place is definitely not the place for religious worshipping or missionary action.

Comment from tris_ on 10 April 2014 at 02:53

All of my life and what iam gonna do only direction to serve my LORD (Allah). that word only my diary …. not missionary action like you say.

if you dont like my diary” you better not come to me and read my diary , just leave me alone. diary not same with newspaper. its my privacy. its is not Gun, coin, money, newspaper for missionary action equipment. ONLY MY DIARY.

only time can be answer “ there is no great word like that. and that is not create from me, but from who created all over the world, land , sea , even galaxy , who can we view now in OPENSTREET.

and why that word disturb you, because that is “ the GOD says.

Comment from Endres Pelka on 10 April 2014 at 08:47

BTW, could you please start writing changeset comments to,your edits?

Comment from tris_ on 10 April 2014 at 10:12

to jed

sorry sir, only blank map in my edit. if any wrong click to your country. this is only mistake click or bad conection on internet. and you can edit later again. iam not yet ready for comment changeset, because iam focusing first for blank map on openstreet focus on my village. iam never touch and edit map changeset for not familiar place. or not my place or country.

and actually iam very very bad for English.

again , thanks for warning.

Comment from Endres Pelka on 12 April 2014 at 10:53

I think you misunderstood my comment :) Please read this wiki page:

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