
Kolorob project and android based application by Save the Children in Bangladesh utilizes OpenStreetMap for its base map and has contributed in mapping 36+ wards of Dhaka City. In the beginning of the project in 2015, a number of workshop were held to teach youth editing OpenStreetMap. Shortly after, pilot areas (Bauniabadh and Paris Road area in Mirpur) were mapped. After the success of the pilot, all 15 wards of Mirpur area was mapped. I used HOT Visualize Change to demonstrate the map changes from June, 2015 to December, 2017. As the mapper for the project, I mapped from May 2016 onward for mapping the wards in Mirpur and other wards. We conducted data collection in those areas. I asked the data collectors to have their GPS turned on in their devices and instructed them to walk along every road. Thus I got GPS tracks of every road in those wards and mapped them in OSM. Here is the link to the video I made.

Location: Folpotti, Borobagh, Dhaka, Dhaka Metropolitan, Dhaka District, Dhaka Division, 1216, Bangladesh


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