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Still a lot to discover and map

Posted by mabapla on 2 June 2009 in English.

On Monday, I was with my parents near Neuffen. My dad is very interested in orchids and knows a whole lot of places in our region where you can find them.
I thought there wouldn't be that much to map because Neuffen, after being an almost empty space through most of last year, has made big progress recently. Also, many tracks and paths have been surveyed already around the castle.
But most of the path through the heath that my father picked wasn't mapped yet. Great views, rare and pretty flowers and an unmapped path, what else could you want? :-)
And again this showed me that there's still a lot to discover and map even in places where you wouldn't expect it at first.
In case you're wondering, I haven't uploaded anything yet. I've got to see if I can figure out the outline of the heath (which is a natural reserve called the Neuffener Heide) as I really want to put that in.

Location: 72639, Baden-Württemberg, 72639, Germany


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