
First edit completed

Posted by kgbarth on 21 February 2020 in English.

Finally submitted a first edit to OSM - a nordic skiing track that is groomed by scooter. (Uværsløypa (775423923)). The track is drawn based on GPS output from in field survey.

Interesting point is that neither Uværsløypa, nor the longer loop around it shows up in OSM when zooming to this area, unless I go in edit mode - then they both show up.

Question: part of the larger loop around Uværsløypa is a a path in summer. Can additional attributes be added to a section of the nordic track to show summer use?

Location: Lauvås, Uvdal alpinsenter, Nore og Uvdal, Viken, 3632, Norway


Comment from yvecai on 23 February 2020 at 07:36

Hello, Congratulations for your first edit! Your ski trail will display on specialized maps, like here: Even if I’m a cross-country skier myself, I have to acknowledge that ski pistes are not of particular importance for the vast majority of people, hence for particular topics like ski or sea navigation, OSM ecosystem will provide another map that fit your needs! See also:

Comment from yvecai on 23 February 2020 at 09:14

Ah, and of course you can add highway=path to the same way to indicate summer use.

Comment from kgbarth on 30 March 2020 at 19:44

Thank you @yvecai. Although hard to understand for a cross country skier that makes sense. I will try to add another little stretch of trail and see if it shows up on the opensnowmap!

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