
ianlopez1115's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by ianlopez1115

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Since you’re here, I encourage you to visit this site to learn how to contribute to OpenStreetMap. Looking forward to your edits.


Der "Sackgassenwohngebietsflyer"

I am creating a version of the document specific for the Philippines, hope if you don’t mind.

(automatisch übersetzt über Deepl) Ich erstelle eine Version des Dokuments speziell für die Philippinen, ich hoffe, Sie haben nichts dagegen.

What’s in a name? What should HOT’s new regional hubs be called...

+1 for OpenDataHub, -1 for OpenMapHub since MapHub has been around since 2016

What’s in a name? What should HOT’s new regional hubs be called...

Consider using “Carto Hangout powered/supported by HOT" (replace "Hangout" with culture-, region- and language-appropriate variations of "hangout/watering hole" or similar spots while "powered/supported by HOT" can be translated).

Fonts missing from OSM Promotional Leaflets

Unfortunately, most of the fonts that I mentioned aren’t open source. I’d either go for Open Sans (per Richard) or use Gill Sans in this case.

Fonts missing from OSM Promotional Leaflets

Per my use of WhatTheFont, the closest fonts or font families that could be used to replace Frobisher are the following: FF Transit Std, Frutiger, Humanist 777, Interval Next, Adora, Neue Frutiger Pro, Delargo DT, Lina, Bernino Sans and Schnebel Sans.

Tagged and Untagged Nodes

@ff5722, I did a bit of research and some tweaking based on previous examples, and here’s what I was able to come up: an overpass query looking for nodes without tags not belonging to ways or areas here.

Отслеживание правок на определенной территории и исправление ошибочных изменений

After reading a machine-translated version of the article, I found your tips outlined in this diary entry useful. I made an English translation of this diary entry (without the accompanying images) at so that other people can apply your map error fixing tips.

I'm fed up with all this spam on the RSS feed, especially Chinese

Hope this helps: A page in the OSM Wiki where they post/document instances of spam

Warning: GPS tracks recorded with an iPhone can be a waste

I wonder if this also applies to iOS devices with older versions of iOS?

how dare they :)

You may want to edit your entry and re-edit the link, like this: Google wipes Scottish isle from its maps

Use craigslist tiles as basemap in ID editor.

This also works for JOSM (as a TMS entry), but with minor modifications: tms[(maximum zoom number)]:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png

note expiration

The notes will be reflected here, even if they are fixed. I hope that my explanation answers your query

Quezon Ave - Araneta Ave Underpass Now Open but...

Result: Route passes through the tunnel/underpass. Looks like we’re the first one to put it on the map (as a functioning underpass)

Sydney redacted

Let me know if there are areas needed to be remapped. I’d like to help out and restructure the map in the Sydney area.

Good Day

For your information, you can contact the OpenStreetMap Philippines mailing list for help/more information

Do it right or not at all

Honestly, I have problems with some mappers in my “areas of responsibility”. However, I’ll have to agree with compdude and Sanderd17 - inform them of their mistakes and encourage them to fix their edits. If that fails to “educate” them, then fix the various problems (unconnected roads, self-intersecting ways, open polygons) on sight.

Coordinates of HVDC facilities in China and Philippines

I believe that there's new imagery covering parts of HVDC Leyte-Luzon ( )

I'm done with one portion (Santa Magdalena - Irosin), can you finish the rest?

Zoom in satellite image

also, try to ask questions at or from nearby mappers if you need help with OSM-related stuff

Bing WMS not working

So far, I do not have problems with it. Try flushing the tile cache in JOSM.