
New UPLB street names

Posted by ianlopez1115 on 10 October 2012 in English.

After two years and nine days, a new diary entry.

Over seven months ago, I stumbled upon a publication announcing that many street names (, buildings and other open spaces) inside the University of the Philippines Los Baños campus area will be changed in honor of the many people who contributed much to it. For this posting, I’m focusing on street names.

Since then, I’ve been waiting for the street signs to go up and reflect such changes. As of this week (and in time for their annual alumni homecoming event/s), some of the street signs went up. Almost instantly, I recorded them and added such info on the map.

Looks like we’re the first one to reflect such changes on the map.

But then again, not all (new) street signs are up. For the next months, such changes will be reflected on the map, little by little.

Location: Batong Malake, Los Baños, Laguna, Calabarzon, 4031, Philippines


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