
JOSM Java 1.6 on Mac OSX 10.4 Tiger

Posted by amillar on 12 September 2010 in English.

The latest JOSM upgrade requires Java 1.6. My Intel iMac is running 10.4 Tiger, and Apple doesn't supply Java 1.6 for it. So I had to find another solution.

I found an alternative JVM called SoyLatte, and it works for me to run the latest JOSM.

I followed the instructions at

and it works.

The main surprise that I found was that it uses X11, so I have to run that first. I'm a Linux user, so it isn't a problem for me. I always ran JOSM from the command-line in the OSX Terminal window, so now I run it from the X11 xterm window instead.

I don't have a PPC Mac, but I did see that there is a version of SoyLatte for PPC listed on their site.


Comment from Remiguel on 28 September 2010 at 16:09

Nice to get Java 1.6 on my iMac. It was a little bit tricky for me to install soylatte. Now it works and the new build of JOSM too.
I want to share my experience with this step by step below

Before beginning it is good to know that when bash starts it reads the following files every time you open a new Terminal window.

~/.bash_login (if .bash_profile does not exist)
~/.profile (if .bash_login does not exist)

1) Unzip soylatte and drag the directory in your preferred location. Applications folder e.g.

2) Open terminal and enter:
echo $PATH
You should see a line like this "/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin..." in the terminal

3) Test whether we have a .profile file
enter in terminal (or copy and past in the terminal)
open /Applications/ ~/.profile
if you see in the opened file the line like above "/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin..." you can go to point 6)

4) If the file doesn't exist, do not create it right now. prior try to enter the following command line
open /Applications/ ~/.bash_profile
it can happen you have no ~/.profile file but instead a ~/.bash_profile, where are saved your paths (it was my case)

5) in the case ~/.bash_profile is not either there, create a file .profile. Create a single text file .profile with TextEdit and save it at your home directory (~/)

6) Drag the bin folder from the soylatte folder into the terminal window and copy the path created in the terminal

7) Past the path into the already opened .profile or .bash_profile file. you should append the new path to the others exiting:
(Remember that to edit file you can either open them with terminal with command open /Applications/ filename, or with TextWrangler menu Open Hidden...)

# MacPorts Installer addition ...
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Applications/soylatte16-1.0.3/bin:$PATH
# Finished adapting your PATH ...

In the case you create a new blank .profile file, copy the following into the .profile file:

export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Applications/soylatte16-1.0.3/bin:$PATH

8) save the file and close TextEdit or TextWrangler

9) close the terminal

10) Open the terminal again and enter
java -version

If everything goes well, you should get something like this:
java version "1.6.0_03-p3"

11) Open X11
go to Customize

11) click on Add Item
Double click on Name. Write a name of your choice (Josm e.g.)
Double click on Command and copy this line
java -jar -Xmx250M /pathofJOSM/josm-tested.jar (replace pathofJOSM with the real path).
Click on Done.

Note: To get the exact path without any efforts drag josm-tested.jar into the terminal windows and copy the path created in the terminal

12) Every time you need to launch JOSM, just open X11 and click on Josm in Applications menu

Comment from Remiguel on 28 September 2010 at 19:11

Erratum point 7):
In the case you create a new blank .profile file, copy the following into the .profile file:
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Applications/soylatte16-1.0.3/bin:$PATH

Must be
export PATH=/Applications/soylatte16-1.0.3/bin:$PATH

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