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CWTS++: Great Mapping Experience

Posted by VinsmokeSanji on 24 October 2018 in English.
CWTS ++ is a brand new CWTS that was implemented by our great professor Erwin Olario in Polytechnic University of Philippines, San Juan Campus. What we do in CWTS++ is different from regular CWTS. We aim to digitize map through OpensStreetMap OSM Id-editor or JOSM. We map roads, buildings, waterways, landforms etc. We prioritize areas that are in state of calamity or areas that were destroyed by the calamity to help the government execute their plan on the said areas.
Before our program started, I am expecting that I could learn a lot from this program and I could hone some skills that are required in this program. And CWTS++ did not disappoint me. I learned about Openstreetmap which unfamiliar to normal citizen, I’ve learned new skill which mapping which helps me to contribute with this program and I think my spatial-visual intelligence improved after undertaking CWTS++.
Our last project is to map our own neighbourhood. We are required to use fieldpaper to map the house number without using any gadget which makes the mapping portable. I’ve experienced walking for 30 minutes for 3 days. On the first day, it is embarrassing walking around, sight house number house to house and taking down notes house numbers because some people might think that you are planning something bad. On the second day and third day, I didn’t think of it in that way so I finish my fieldpaper without worries.  We are also required to use Mapillary which is an application used to capture street-level images that will help to support the details on your fieldpaper and will contribute more information on OSM when uploaded. Unfortunately, I didn’t fully enjoy Mapillary because the satellite can’t locate my phone properly so I just only got to upload small amount of Mapillary-captured images.  And the final step is putting the data of fieldpaper to OSM so that the data you’ve gathered would be uploaded to OSM and make it beneficial to community. I used Id-editor to edit the tags of buildings. While doing this, I feel happy because I contribute to my neighbourhood with hard work and effort. I am thankful that I have experienced mapping not only on my neighbourhood but also on other part of the country. I really enjoy every session especially every last Thursday of the month when there are guests sharing their experiences mapping. It is really a great honor and opportunity for me to participate in CWTS++ program. 


Comment from philippec on 24 October 2018 at 17:29

Yes, put the blame on the satellite :)

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