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My Experience in Doing Fieldpaper

Posted by VinsmokeSanji on 25 August 2018 in English.

I want to share my experience in doing fieldpaper of my neighbourhood. But before that, I want to explain that what I am mapping is the other block because it is hard to map my neighbourhood. There are lots of houses, houses are too close very close to each other, there are lots of alleys and the aerial view in openstreetmap is not clear and that’s why it is hard to map it in openstreetmap. And that is also the reason why I decided to map the other block. The other block is not far away from our house so I still consider it as my neighbor. Doing fieldpaper is tiring because you need to walk until you finish mapping. But for me it was really fun. I’ve exercised my feet, I’ve honed my spatial-visual skill and I’ve contributed to my neighbourhood. Looking for house number or building’s name isn’t easy especially the area is large. But I made it because of my desire to finish the task. What I’ve discovered while doing the mapping is some buildings are not properly mapped in openstreetmap. There are also businesses that are not existing anymore but still on the openstreetmap. And I’ve also discovered new businesses that I didn’t noticed when I’m passing by the area. With the things that I’ve discovered, I can now fix some errors of our neighbourhood and add new features to the unlabeled buildings in openstreetmap. And the things that I’ve learned, I will keep it in my mind.


Comment from GOwin on 26 August 2018 at 09:54

This sounds interesting, and I’m looking forward to seeing you add these details on the map of you neighborhood.

Thank you for posting your experience, and sharing what you’ve discovered.


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