
Counting down for the holidays meaning I soon will have to suspend the import of IBGE boundaries of Espírito Santo. There are about 20 municipalities where internal divisions have not been imported yet. With regards to the work load left, and time needed to actually do the import, than I need about 10 slow workdays to complete the import.

I will now (soon at least) go away for holidays, meaning that there will be a good 10 days where I am not able to do much work on the map. Hopefully I get the rest of the import completed soon after I get back to working on it.

If it hadn't been for the various setbacks I have had during the import, I would have been finished by now, but unfortunately setback is a part of reality, even for OSM contributors.

Going away for the holidays means I might gather some GPX tracks and some POIs with my mobile. I have already downloaded the maps of Portugal, and are trying to download the maps of Spain to my mobile, so that we are covered for driving. (Spain is only optional if time allows for us).

Colatina was the last of the complex municipalities in the import, I was fearing São Mateus to be complex, but turned out to only have district boundaries, no suburbs. All remaining municipalities are expected to only have district boundaries.

[x] Espírito Santo collection relation

Location: Ayrton Senna, Colatina, Região Geográfica Imediata de Colatina, Região Geográfica Intermediária de Colatina, Espírito Santo, Southeast Region, 29705-555, Brazil


Comment from Declan Qian on 19 December 2011 at 13:32

Good luck :)

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