
Having a lot a fun becoming an OSM mapper

Posted by Ryan Lash on 18 September 2012 in English.

I had a good time today participating in the Second Wave of the US Remap-A-Tron, and working at being a better OSM data producer. It’s funny that I first look at the area in which I live (Atlanta) and didn’t think there was much to add to the map, but after spending time moving about the US during the Remap-A-Tron, I’ve come to recognize how much of my own neighborhood still needs to be added. Who else is working on data in Atlanta?

Location: Linwood, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, 30307, United States


Comment from AndrewBuck on 18 September 2012 at 16:22

Yes it is interesting to see some of the thoroughly mapped places in OSM. I am not in Atlanta, but I am sure there are a few people there in your area. If you set your position on your user preferences page to be in the city it will show you a map of other users in your area (assuming they have set their location, too).

Here is a local news segment about some people doing OSM in Atlanta from a few years ago. They might still be around…

Anyway, hope you have fun contributing your knowledge to the map. Start by adding your favorite resturants, coffee shops, etc and then just work your way out from there.


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