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Remiguel's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Remiguel

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POI Txt2Osm
  1. The server is up again and additionally I’ve left my code on a mirror server.
  2. I’ve done a short try of GPSbabel. This software surprising me every time I use it. The number of conversion format is really amazing.
    The way of converting files to osm format is ok but need a good preparation of your source data.
    I code my php script with another approach, with drop-down lists to select keys and categories.
POI Txt2Osm

1) You’re right. The server is currently down. I will put my code on a mirror server. 2) I’ve used for a couple years ago GPSbabel but never saw a conversion to OSM format. I will check the last update. Thanks for the tip.

JOSM Java 1.6 on Mac OSX 10.4 Tiger

Erratum point 7):
In the case you create a new blank .profile file, copy the following into the .profile file:
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Applications/soylatte16-1.0.3/bin:$PATH

Must be
export PATH=/Applications/soylatte16-1.0.3/bin:$PATH

JOSM Java 1.6 on Mac OSX 10.4 Tiger

Nice to get Java 1.6 on my iMac. It was a little bit tricky for me to install soylatte. Now it works and the new build of JOSM too.
I want to share my experience with this step by step below

Before beginning it is good to know that when bash starts it reads the following files every time you open a new Terminal window.

~/.bash_login (if .bash_profile does not exist)
~/.profile (if .bash_login does not exist)

1) Unzip soylatte and drag the directory in your preferred location. Applications folder e.g.

2) Open terminal and enter:
echo $PATH
You should see a line like this "/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin..." in the terminal

3) Test whether we have a .profile file
enter in terminal (or copy and past in the terminal)
open /Applications/ ~/.profile
if you see in the opened file the line like above "/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin..." you can go to point 6)

4) If the file doesn't exist, do not create it right now. prior try to enter the following command line
open /Applications/ ~/.bash_profile
it can happen you have no ~/.profile file but instead a ~/.bash_profile, where are saved your paths (it was my case)

5) in the case ~/.bash_profile is not either there, create a file .profile. Create a single text file .profile with TextEdit and save it at your home directory (~/)

6) Drag the bin folder from the soylatte folder into the terminal window and copy the path created in the terminal

7) Past the path into the already opened .profile or .bash_profile file. you should append the new path to the others exiting:
(Remember that to edit file you can either open them with terminal with command open /Applications/ filename, or with TextWrangler menu Open Hidden...)

# MacPorts Installer addition ...
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Applications/soylatte16-1.0.3/bin:$PATH
# Finished adapting your PATH ...

In the case you create a new blank .profile file, copy the following into the .profile file:

export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Applications/soylatte16-1.0.3/bin:$PATH

8) save the file and close TextEdit or TextWrangler

9) close the terminal

10) Open the terminal again and enter
java -version

If everything goes well, you should get something like this:
java version "1.6.0_03-p3"

11) Open X11
go to Customize

11) click on Add Item
Double click on Name. Write a name of your choice (Josm e.g.)
Double click on Command and copy this line
java -jar -Xmx250M /pathofJOSM/josm-tested.jar (replace pathofJOSM with the real path).
Click on Done.

Note: To get the exact path without any efforts drag josm-tested.jar into the terminal windows and copy the path created in the terminal

12) Every time you need to launch JOSM, just open X11 and click on Josm in Applications menu

Abandoned railway in Brittany

Many thanks both for your answers. I will definitely not, tag the complete railway net. But your hint RussNelson is a great idea: by tagging a way "even if now a road, as railway=abandoned". So I could leave my knowledge of these areas, in OSM avoiding any confusion.

Import Côtes d'Armor

Si tu utilise JOSM, essaie BuildingsTools. Chez moi il fonctionne bien avec la build 3376

Import Côtes d'Armor

Tu as des bâtiments dans l'eau. Est ce que se sont des bâtiments sur des ilots ou des roches? Ou il manque quelque chose? Avec quel outil tu dessine les bâtiments?
En tous cas bon courage.

Osmarender rendering issue

Thanks lyx for the tip. I will ask at the address you give me, to get help ;-)

iPhone vs Garmin HCx

Hi I have also made some tests with my Garmin 205 and my iPhone. You are right Gormur the iPhone seems to be more accurate than the Garmin tracking in curve and direction changing. It seems the Motion-X on iPhone allows to save much more points per second and works a lot with interpolation thanks to the accelerometer. In other hand the Garmin 205 has a Gps cell with a better refresh rate than the iPhone.
According my little experience, my Garmin is much more accurate on my position (less than 10 m) where my iPhone accuracy is worst than 15 m, but draws better traces and mostly follow better natural curves or direction changing.
I combine by now both results ...

Reunion Island page

Great idea, hope you will get a lot of OSM users involved.
J'espère pouvoir m'y rendre un jour...

Nüvi-Garmin OSX OSMtoIMG

Thank you Federico. You can try it with this area:

Nüvi-Garmin OSX OSMtoIMG


Do you refer to OSMtoIMG? In this case I can better understand why the link were removed from the Wiki. At least, in my case, I was not asked for any donation.

Nüvi-Garmin OSX OSMtoIMG

Thanks Federico, it sounds great, but it seems the application is more for windows users oriented. I will investigate on how I can run it under OSX (Terminal command line)


Bus Stop Madrid City

I have checked Map Feature and I found the right key: route and the value: bus, to do that. I will try it out. Hope I can found example to have a look prior reworking these 2 Madrid bus lines.

Bus Stop Madrid City

Thanks for the comment and for the link. I will wait on next Wednesday to see my work on Mapnik. Really great.