
Dear diary,

I just come from a french LUG meeting, where I met a geograph who discovered OpenStreetMap "by my fault" ; he found the project wonderful when it deals with town centers and highly populated places, but told me that a region he appreciates of "Les Alpes" was not mapped and, for this reason, he was happy that no contributor has mapped it yet. The reason was "people do not make efforts anymore today, they have everything available on the internet about everything / everywhere". The fact that it is not mapped on OSM would probably force people to go out and enjoy the place without having the possibility to search on OSM / Google / Wikipedia / whatever and "get it" while still standing passively on their sofa... This reaction let me a bit puzzled. So, what do we have to do ? Do we have to keep some mysterious places unmapped ?

Anyway, town centers or not, "mysterious places" or not, it is always with pleasure and fun that i go out from my home with my GPS, trying to map a (very little) piece of my planet, to add datas into this wonderful project. Thanks again, and good night !


Comment from HannesHH on 17 January 2009 at 10:57

He should be a perfect person to try Geocaching. :)

Comment from LivingWithDragons on 17 January 2009 at 11:41

Even places I thought I knew are amazing to map, I discover new roads and paths that somehow I passed regularly without noticing.

And HannesHH is right, when all of the world is mapped* and I don't have anywhere to investigate, then I'll go back to Geocaching.

*or when my machete gets blunt and funds for plane tickets run out.

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