

Comment from Richard on 1 June 2015 at 09:19

Welcome - good to see some mapping activity there (I was visiting relatives up the Akatarawa Road just a month ago!).

Comment from Warin61 on 2 June 2015 at 11:39

Welcome indeed! My early lessons are .. don’t delete stuff. Even if your certain it is not there.. been past it on the way to work many times.. it is not there.. go and look and I find it there… Stick to adding new stuff, minor edits to correct other stuff. If you must delete stuff .. go and look at it again .. stopped on foot, it makes so much difference.

Comment from Huttite on 2 June 2015 at 12:15

I have already realised that just deleting stuff is probably not a good idea. Sometimes, though I feel I need to replace stuff with different stuff, or move stuff around because it is in the wrong place or designated as the wrong thing, so correct it by changing it - not deleting and replacing - changing is easier. I have even spotted discrepancies in data imported from a government agency! But I am loath to touch it because I assume it is accurately plotted, so can still be useful as a geo-reference point in the absence of GPS data. And I also realise I didn’t really KNOW the area quite well enough to put it on the map, unless I went and had a(nother) good look at it (twice) before putting it on the map - even after living in the area for over 20 years! I see so much more now which I just never noticed was there before.

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