
0 hours
Ended .
Reason for block:

Hello Seandebasti,

Previously, in you were asked “could you please use changset comments that are human-readable?”. You have not done this. Your last changeset comment was just “#deu #bln #bsr” which is just gibberish.

Because communication has not occurred previously, I have sent this message as one that you have to read before continuing to edit. You will be able to continue once you have read it.

However, a number of users have commented on your changes. These will have been emailed to you, and you can see them at . you have even replied to some. Please reply to ALL of these comments, answering the questions that you have been asked. Some are quite important, like “Why you have changed the state borders between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan?”.

If you have any questions, please email with a subject of “Re: [Ticket#2023042210000185] Seandebasti”.

Best Regards,

Andy Townsend, on behalf of OSM’s Data Working Group