Kavithaptpm blocked by woodpeck
- Created:
- Duration:
- 0 hours
- Status:
- Active until the user logs in.
- Reason for block:
Hello Kavithaptpm,
you seem to be part of the same team with user Khairunnisa1996 / Nissa S, and your edits show a similar pattern. Please ensure that you respond to any comments made against your edits, and document in your user profile which organisation you are working for and what your goals are (“fixing_osm_roads” is not sufficient). If this is an organised mapping effort then you are also expected to discuss the means and goals with the community before you start.
Users have reported that you are frequently using outdated aerial imagery and overwrite good data that has been locally verified, and that your edits often cover large areas which makes them more difficult to review.
Also please use meaningful changeset comments that explain what a particular changeset was supposed to do.
Best regards
Frederik Ramm
OSMF Data Working Group