john2660 blocked by SomeoneElse
- Created:
- Duration:
- 0 hours
- Status:
- Ended .
- Reason for block:
Hello john2660 and welcome to OpenStreetMap!
Just in case you haven’t noticed, lots of users have commented on your edits. This will have been emailed to you and you can also see them at . There you can see where people have asked questions and also offered to help. Please do reply to them - go to the changeset, type in the box and click “comment”.
Also, all of your recent edits seem to have the comment “edits” - . Please try and use meaningful descriptions that describe what you were doing to help other people to understand what you’re doing and how you got those changes (did you visit those places? Are you looking at aerial imagery?).
I’ve sent this message as one that you have to read before continuing to edit (just in case there’s a problem with your email) - you’ll be able to continue editing as soon as you have read it. If you’ve got any other questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
Best Regards,
Andy Townsend, on behalf of OSM’s Data Working Group