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0 hours
Ended .
Reason for block:


There have been a number of complaints from other local mappers about your editing of place nodes, and the way that you appear to be using multiple accounts and changing account names to give the appearance of more mappers with a particular aim which don’t actually exist.

You can see the comments made about edits by this account at

Please take the time to reply to all the comments there before continuing to edit (under any user name).

Also, can you please explain to me your edits on , including what was the source for each change you made (including the deletion).

This is sent as a a message that you must read before continuing to edit. You will be able to continue editing after having done so but please do take the time to provide explanations for the questions above before doing so. If you don’t you (and any other accounts you create to try and evade the block) may be blocked again.

Best Regards,

Andy Townsend, on behalf of OSM’s Data Working Group.