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Reason for block:

Hello BogDan_Olegovich, and welcome to OpenStreetMap.

I’m sending this message to you because your edits seem to be part of a series of co-ordinated edits, some of which mappers have suggested might be in error. You can see the comments that mappers have left at . It’s possible that you haven’t seen this comments because your email is broken, so I’m sending this message as one that you have to read before you can continue editing.

OpenStreetMap is a collaborative project - we work together to create the best map. This means that when people try and contact us we don’t just ignore them. Please do also explain the source of your changes and the reasoning behind them.

Therefore please do, before making any other edits, reply to those users who have asked you questions and answer them. If you fail to do this you may be prevented from editing OpenStreetMap.

Best Regards,

Andy Townsend, on behalf of OSM’s Data Working Group