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0 hours
Ended .
Reason for block:

Hello Przemek Rybak,

thank you for your contributions to OSM. There have been problems with many of your edits; most notably the fact that you often used the “name” to describe a feature (instead, “name” is only for the real name of something). Also you have used the tag tourism=attraction a lot inorder to place something on the map, even when it was clearly not a tourist attraction. Others have made you aware of that and removed the problematic edits.

The biggest problem is however that you add insults, slurs, and other non-factual comments to your tagging (“miejsce bytowania pijaczyn, czasem sex sie zdarzy”, “miejsce bytowania pijaków”, “kocie łby, które mnie wkur…ą” and more). This is not funny; these things have absolutely no place in OpenStreetMap, and you are not only offending our community but also wasting our time because we have clean out your “jokes” and insults from OSM.

Please review the contributions you have made, and remove such “jokes” and insults from OSM where others have not done this already. If you should continue to misuse OSM then we will have to block your account for longer.

Best regards
Frederik Ramm
OSMF Data Working Group