
Public GPS Traces from russdeffner

by russdeffner

GPS traces during OSM-Colorado Philip S Miller Mapping Party

by russdeffner in Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar

Stairs of MUST CSCM

by russdeffner in EvergreenMappingParty, SP13Editathon

Conifer to Bailey Southbound (except very end back up crow hill from PO)

by russdeffner in EvergreenMappingParty, SP13Editathon

Evergreen to Conifer Southbound

by russdeffner in EvergreenMappingParty, SP13Editathon

Evergreen Mapping Party - walk around D-town

by russdeffner in EvergreenMappingParty, SP13Editathon

Delwood to Conifer (right, last one was something else - conifer to evergreen maybe)

by russdeffner in ParkCountyCO

Delwood to Conifer

by russdeffner in Park, County

West Loop (partial) - Morrow Trail - Bailey, CO

by russdeffner in Park, County

East Loop - Morrow Trail - Bailey, CO

by russdeffner in Park, County

Center section of Morrow Trail system - Bailey, CO

by russdeffner in Park, County

Drive to Harris Park

by russdeffner in Idaho Springs, OSM-Colorado

Idaho Springs Mapping Party Group 6