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Public GPS Traces from robert

by robert in uk, england, motorcar

Various excursions around england

by robert in motorcar, uk, england

Various meanderings by car

by robert in london, glasgow, bedford, motorcar

to glasgow & various meanderings

by robert in motorcar, uk, england

More excursions around the south of england

by robert in uk, england, london, bedford, milton keynes

Various excursions around the south of england

by robert in england, uk, car, birmingham, london

Various tracks to the midlands & back & around the place

by robert in england

random trip

by robert in bedford, bath, car

a trip to bath and back

by robert in car, bedfordshire, milton keynes, kent, essex

Various trips around the south east

by robert in suffolk, foot, walking

A couple of walks in suffolk

by robert in car, A10, A428, bedford, suffolk

A trip to suffolk

by robert in car, M1, bedford

A trip to the midlands & back

by robert in derby, bedford, car

trip back from derby

by robert in bedford, york, car, A1

trip to york & back

by robert in bedford, london, car, A1

Another trip to london

by robert in london, bedford, car, M1, A1

trip to central london

by robert in bedford, bicycle, woodlandpark

A cycle ride around the woodland park estate

by robert in bedford

another odd sainsburys run

by robert in bedfordshire

Various tracks colledted by BT747A+

by robert in milton, keynes, mapping, party, downs, barn

mk mapping party